Saturday, 12 October 2013

Karen Igho Insults Yvonne Nelson, Rubbishes Her Flat Boobs

I don't know why ladies just love hating themselves. Some bad guys hacked actress Yvonne Nelson's account on twitter and posted a lot of rubbish, including an insult on Nigeria. It was easy for anyone to have know that her account was hacked.

But Karen Igbo was fast to attack the lady. Probably she wants Yvonne Nelson to be carrying a fake boobs around like her. Lol! Below is Karen's attack on Yvonne:

I hear Yvonne Nelson has decided to ignore Karen as she don't want to carry an artificial boobs.

1 comment:

Good to be back

Hey guys am sorry for been off for a very long time,been busy with life's ups and down,trying to get things back now,this time ...